Sunday, 9 February 2014

Pretty Lizzie

Lizzie was small and fair,

With big blue eyes and long blond hair,

She liked to carry a mirror with her everywhere

Pretty, pretty Lizzie.

Lizzie could have everything that she wished,

Because her parents were very rich,

They couldn’t see they were raising a little bitch,

Pretty, pretty Lizzie.

Through the playground she would go,

Spreading hurtful lies she would sow,

Bullying children who weren’t rich or were a little slow.

Pretty, pretty Lizzie.

Then a new girl called Lorraine came to school one day,

She was kind to everyone and let them join in her play.

But she wouldn’t let Lizzie have her own way.

Pretty, pretty Lizzie.

Lizzie made her life hell,

And everyone who played with Lorraine as well,

Knowing that no one would ever tell.

Petty, petty Lizzie.

Lorraine stood proud, Lorraine stood firm,

She looked at Lizzie and her eyes did burn.

Right into pretty, pretty Lizzie.

“Lizzie Lizzie small and pretty,

 Your behaviour is quite shitty.”

“If you don’t mend your ways,

I will make sure you will truly pay,

In your mirror instead of your reflection,

What you’re like inside you’ll see.”

Lizzie went and told a teacher,

That Lorraine had gone and hit her.

Away from the school Lorraine had to go.

Where she is now Lizzie wished that she did know.

Pretty, pretty Lizzie.

Lizzie was small and fair,

With big blue eyes and long blond hair,

She no longer likes to carry a mirror with her everywhere,

She’s scared of the ugly troll which lives in there.

Pretty, pretty Lizzie.




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